February 24, 2020

[Tip] How to convert AsciiDoc to Markdown

I write posts on this blog using AsciiDoc, but a couple of resources I repost on support only Markdown, so to convert articles I use the following commands: asciidoctor -b docbook index.adoc pandoc -f docbook -t markdown_mmd -o index.md index.xml --wrap=none The only question that remains is how to properly convert code listings' captures. Thanks to the authors of the following articles: https://tinyapps.org/blog/201701240700_convert_asciidoc_to_markdown.html https://alvinalexander.com/bookmarks/how-convert-asciidoc-to-html-or-markdown

February 17, 2020

How to GraphQL in Kotlin and Micronaut and create a single endpoint for access to microservices' APIs

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that was developed by Facebook. In today’s article, you will see an example on how to implement a GraphQL API on the JVM, particularly using Kotlin language and Micronaut framework; most of the examples below are reusable on other Java/Kotlin frameworks. Then we will consider how to combine multiple GraphQL services into a single data graph to provide a unified interface for querying all of your backing data sources. Read more

January 16, 2020

Creating a microservice with Quarkus, Kotlin, and Gradle

This article is also available in Russian. Preface In the previous article, the brief explanations of creating microservices on the modern JVM frameworks and comparison of them were shown. Now it’s time to take a closer look at the most recently appeared framework: Quarkus. I’ll describe the process of creating a microservice using the mentioned technologies and in accordance with the requirements specified in the main article. This microservice will be a part of the following microservice architecture: Read more

January 10, 2020

Not only Spring Boot: a review of alternatives

At present, there is no lack of frameworks for creating miсroservices in Java and Kotlin. In the article, Helidon SE, Ktor, Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot are considered.

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